How Technology Enhances Teaching and Learning

How Technology Enhances Teaching and Learning

There is a good probability that you have thought about how technology can be integrated into the classroom, regardless of whether you are the instructor or the student. After all, mobile phones, laptops, and other forms of high-tech equipment are now more readily available and accessible than they have ever been before. According to today’s norms, the conventional idea that students should focus on reading printed books during their official education rather than using computers is outdated.

Even while it is a fact that children who are exposed to technology at a young age are more likely to develop vision problems later in life, the same can be stated about any other educational instrument when used in the appropriate setting. Let’s look then at how technology might improve educational practices and make learning more exciting, engaging, and easy to recall in one’s life.

Ways To Enhance Learning And Technology

Here are some ways that help you how technology helps to enhance teaching and learning. Let’s have a look.

1. Blackboard

Blackboard is the school’s preferred choice for online course management. Check out the Blackboard support page on the Academic Technology website and this Blackboard online lesson if you need assistance with developing Blackboard courses or learning the platform’s fundamentals.

2. Presentation Software

It can be beneficial to offer visual aids as a supplement to teaching, as a way to generate conversation, or as a way to enable teaching outside of the classroom. It is possible to make good use of or poor use of tools like PowerPoint that were built specifically for this reason.

3. Online Projects and Collaboration Tools

Students can work together on developing new information, reflecting on what they are learning, or working together to obtain a deeper comprehension of course material with the help of technology, which can facilitate these activities.

4. Podcasts

You may wish to develop a podcast that provides students with the material necessary for initial learning or review, and you can do this either for a flipped classroom or just as a resource for your students.

5. Converting a Face-to-Face Course to an Online Course

Teaching students in an online environment, be it a hybrid or an entirely online course, calls for utilizing a unique set of strategies and technologies. Because there won’t be any face-to-face interaction, the professors must be even more explicit when creating and articulating the students’ digital work and involvement expectations. A further challenge consists of assessing student progress in terms of their learning as the course develops, as well as encouraging interaction between the professor and the student and among the students themselves. The use of fundamental technologies to digitize course materials is a prerequisite for participating in online environments, and so is familiarity with the learning management system used by the university.

Wrapping Up

If someone were to argue against technology in education, they could only do so about the early stages of child development. This time frame ought to be packed with as much real-world, real-body action as is humanly possible to foster motor and mental development. However, technology integration into the curriculum should have become the norm by the time children reach primary school.

Although some members of older generations maintain that education may take place in the absence of computers to support it, these viewpoints stem from an era in which the world operated differently.