eSports players

COVID-19 update: ESI New York still going ahead

ESI New York (#ESINYC) is fully on track and we have no plans to shift course due to the ongoing COVID-19 situation. Of course we are closely monitoring the Coronavirus in case of any advancements that might change this. We’re in constant talks with our venue and key partners and we’ll continue following the situation in New York, but we have no plans to change the current roadmap, and we anticipate the event will go ahead as planned.

The health and safety of our attendees, speakers and staff is of course our top priority and we’ll continue monitoring the guidance from the World Health Organisation and should we become concerned we will ensure there’s a contingency plan in place. If our assessment of the situation changes based on new information, we will make sure this is communicated as quickly as possible but currently we’re still excited to welcome everyone to etc.venues 360 Madison at the end of April.

“ESI New York looks set to be our best event yet, especially with the inclusions of both The Clutch USA, and this year’s edition of the ESI Hall of Fame. Our goal with all of our events is to bridge the gap between some of the biggest brands in the world and the esports industry, and this year the team has really upped our game,” said Sam Cooke, Managing Director and Co-founder of Esports Insider. “Of course with regards to COVID-19 we’re making sure we’re following all expert advice and constantly monitoring its progression, but we’re committed to delivering an extraordinary event, and so far there’s been no indication we will make any changes to the conference.”

ESI New York 2020 – Find out more

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